This function allows you to find and search the right indicator code from the Social Progress Index you want to use. If no argument is filed, all indicators will be displayed. This function will be removed in the next version and replaced by the simpler function 'spir_indicator()'




An indicator from the Social Progress Index.


Indicator code from the Social Progress Index.

See also

spir_country for the SPI's country code and spir_data to collect data when you have both indicator and country code.


myIndicator <- sqs_spi_indicator()
#> Warning: 'sqs_spi_indicator()' will be removed in the next version and replaced by the simpler function 'spir_indicator()'
myIndicator <- sqs_spi_indicator(indicators = "mortality")
#> Warning: 'sqs_spi_indicator()' will be removed in the next version and replaced by the simpler function 'spir_indicator()'
myIndicator <- sqs_spi_indicator("mortality")
#> Warning: 'sqs_spi_indicator()' will be removed in the next version and replaced by the simpler function 'spir_indicator()'